The Happy Diet

Alright, so today I received the Jan 2011 issue of Glamour (I feel like my issue came really late…regardless.), and much of the issues is about being HAPPY! Which – well, I loved. I mean that’s the point of it all, isn’t it? I blog because is makes me happy, I cook, bake and eat what I eat because it makes me happy, I listen to Glee and Top 40 pop/dance/R&B as loud as it can go because…well, it makes me happy!

Within the mag, they had this section detailing a happy “checklist” – and while that’s kind definitely simplifying things, I totally agree with the majority of them (credit for all goes to Glamour):

  • Exercise – heck yeah! Get those endorphins, walking out of the gym after a workout, I always feel an extra spring in my step.
  • Eat breakfast – I am sooo bad at this (I’m the queen of gulping down coffee and the running out the door), but having an actual breakfast (when I do) always seems to create the best springboard for the day.
  • Speak up – I never would have thought about this one. It’s true though..boosting your confidence, and reducing your stress by getting something off your chest.
  • Do less – I think this is definitely an idyllic one. While having to do less (and stress less) would be wonderful – sometimes it’s just not in the cards – for me at least.
  • Focus on making memories – A sort of stopping to smell the roses thing…agreed.
  • Go outside – Yes! Cabin fever can be brutal!
  • Hug it out – I’m a hugger…I love this one!
  • Face your challenges – don’t put stuff off – I definitely agree. As someone who has dealt (and still deals) with anxiety, it’s true that the longer you put something off the more anxiety it produces.
  • Say something nice – spread the happiness around! Heck, a guy at Barnes & Noble told me he liked the buttons on my coat because they were “shiiny” – creepy, but it did bring me happiness…if only in the form of a good story!
  • Be grateful – so true…taking the time to realize how fortunate you are is a biggie!
  • Savor your snapshots – photos…inspiration boards!…love it.

What would you add to this ‘checklist’?

At the bottom of that page – they included what they’ve dubbed at the “Happy Diet”.

I agree..especially with the whole “no deprivation” thing…I don’t know a single person who is happy depriving themselves of something they love! I say,bring on the M&Ms! πŸ˜€

In my mind, the “Happy Diet” is all encompassing…not just what we eat or drink, but other aspects of our lives, too. I mean, after all, it all impacts us mentally and physically.


The good stuff, of course – greens, grains, lean protein, spices, beans, all that goodness.

Chewy vitamins – again, embracing my inner child and love for Flintstone Vitamins, I love the chewy vitamin!

click for source

Coffee!! It seriously makes me happy. πŸ™‚

Chex Mix. It may not be the healthiest..but I love it like no other.

Taking photos (of Chex Mix?). I never knew how much I love this until I started blogging. The good ole point and shoot is still goin’ strong.

Me time! – Getting a new nail polish, or going out and getting mani/pedis…so necessary!

Of course…laughing with friends…and not caring how ridiculous you look in the photos.


What’s in your happy life ‘diet’??


12 thoughts on “The Happy Diet

  1. love this post! Glamour makes some great points! my happy diet is …. oats, nut butter, variety!, trying new things, not getting down on myself, and smiling!

  2. I just bought those vitamins at Costco today- love ’em. I just always end up eating like five servings a day!

    My happy life diet is lot of time with friends, lots of me time, lots of fruits and veggies and lots of dark chocolate. Love πŸ™‚

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