Don’t Judge

Now, they say: Don’t judge a book by its cover….

In this case it’s more like: Don’t judge a smoothie by its color.

Ew, that rhymed. Regardless….

For some reason, I’ve been craving a smoothie/green monster like nobody’s business lately. Yeah, I’m crazy. I mean seriously…in the last week we’ve had – what? – 3 big snow storms? This doesn’t add up.

I think my mind is just rebelling against the cold weather – Spring needs to get here now!!

So this morning, I got up and blended my little heart out (and probably woke my building up in the process…monster-making is not the quietest of morning activities…).

This was my result:

Wait, wait, wait! Don’t judge it yet! Under that reddish-brown, brick-like color was a really, REALLY tasty smoothie!!

No. Really.

This is how it all started:

Beautiful, fresh tones of red, orange, yellow and green…

Composed of spinach, Greek yogurt, frozen mangoes, strawberries, peaches, raspberries and cranberries (quite the concoction!), some Truvia, some coconut extract, water and 2oz of POM Wonderful juice… this was the perfect blend of fruity sweetness and tartness. This will be made again…regardless of its less-than-aesthetically-pleasing appearance.

After all, it’s what is inside that counts!


  • What’ve you made that tastes fantastic, but doesn’t necessarily look the greatest?!



Hello, hello lovelies! Well – today has been a long one that is for sure! Exam – check…Lab – check. Now, I can sit back relax and blog!! Woo! Unfortunately, my lab will have me posting at wonky times throughout June…mostly because there is no set time when we get out…it’s when you finish. haha

Anyway – onnnn to my eats!

I slept in this morning (9:30 or so) – I think the restlessness from the other night caught up with me. Either way, I awoke refreshed and ready for my java. 🙂

I sipped on that while catching up on blogs and some coursework, and eventually decided I should put something else in my stomach. TJ’s honey Greek yogurt with a little more honey on top? Please and thank you.

Lunch was both a success and a failure. Success – sauteed, crispy BBQ tempeh that had been marinating from the night before. Failure – wilted greens. Bleh..they were just not good.

These two beauties got me through class and lab (pictures courtesy of the Larabar website):


Once home from class I conjured up something magical out of leftovers. Rice and beans (and veggies). Basically – took rice, took mostly beans and veggies from my soup (leaving broth behind this time – even though I love it) – and voila!

Okay so it may not look like much – but it was delicious (I’ve been lovin’ the word, haven’t I?? Ahh, too tired to get creative) and definitely hit the spot!!

I’m off to relax – happy almost Friday!

So Delicious

Evening beauties!! How’s everyone?

Today has been a relaxing day, but a productive one.

I got to sleep in, thankfully, because National Grid did work outside of my building until about 11:30 last night…we actually lost water for about a half-hour or so around 8pm, too. Fun! Of course, I literally had just put a face mask on and was ready to take it of…when, no water! haha Just my luck… 🙂 Luckily, I had my Brita in the fridge, and soaked a towel with it…very cold, but my face was no longer green! haha

This morning, I was excited to try something new *to me* in my coffee. I ran out of flavored syrups for my coffee, and after much unsuccessful searching, I’ve realized I’m going to have to wait to go to Target sometime aand get it. However, it made me step out of my “comfort zone” with my java.

I have long been a “follower” of So Delicious by Turtle Mountain on Twitter, and so when I saw their Hazelnut Coconut Milk Creamer, I had to try it.

I absolutely loved this!! I used only two tablespoons -just for flavor-, and the rest I kept milk – but the flavors were fantastic, and it actually made the coffee feel a little “lighter.” I will definitely get this again – and now it has me looking into all of their other stuff, too.

I also brought back an old friend: Trader Joe’s Greek Style Nonfat Yogurt! It’s that time of year – warmer weather = cooler foods (for me at least).

I worked my butt off all afternoon making a study guide for an exam tomorrow…I figured, I’m going to be tested on it in the final, too – might as well, make the mother of all study guides.

Lunch was cool, too. A wrap! Love the combo of the mixed greens and herbs, Laughing Cow cheese and the deli-style buffalo chicken breast.

Tonight, dinner was early – and easy. I got out a can of Trader Joe’s Organic Split Pea soup, and warmed it up. Meh…I’ve had this before, and I don’t remember it being as bland as this can was… I got through it, but it had very little flavor (or color for that matter…I apologize for it’s unappealing nature in the photo). Maybe I did something to it last time? or maybe I just need to (wo)man-up and make my own again. haha

Dinner was early tonight because I’m heading to an event at where Vicki Donlan, the CEO and founder of Women’s Business magazine is speaking. The event is called: Her Turn: Why it’s Time for Women to Lead in America” (which is also the title of her book, I believe).  I hope it’s inspiring and informational – I’m sure it will be.

Pre-seminar Sassiness.

Excuse the random stuff around the mirror, and my choice of pout. haha  🙂

I hope you all are wonderful!! It’s inching closer to the weekend!!

Bring on the naners!

Hello lovelies!

Today has been a very low-key day — but a healthier one. 🙂 Not only was food more ..uhh..appealing, but my back has felt better, too! Wahooo! haha I mostly cleaned (rocking out to Gaga, of course), and relaxed.

I made a really exciting discovery in my house today!!

YOGA MAT! and a pretty one at that! This is especially exciting for me…because it means I won’t have to buy one. 🙂 — It was my mom’s (a gift from a friend of hers that owns her own yoga studio)..and she said it was okay if I took it!! Happpy, happy Jil.

I felt like spicing up my morning routine this morning — and though, yarrr, I still had my normal coffee… I shook up my yogurt mess. I did my usual fat free plain greek yogurt and flax – but I added banana and a spoonful of Nutella! 🙂 Yumm. Banana was especially important to me considering when I was researching about my back issues, I found out that a lack of potassium could be a factor in knots.  Bring on the naners!!

I thoroughly enjoyed this yogurt mess…but a part of me just wanted to take bananas and dip them in melted Nutella. ..naughty.

I got a bunch of my laundry done (even when I’m home, I let my laundry pile up like I have to pay by the load — habit..haha), and hung out with my bro. Lunch was a huge mess of popcornstovetop yarrr. Best ever. All it needs is a little sea salt. 🙂 I shared with my bro — but it was a TONNN. haha My tummy was verrrry happy.

I enjoyed some epic Diet Raspberry Ginger Ale by Waist Watchers — it uses Splenda — but it’s yummy.

Dinner was an indulgence: a bean burrito with cheese and salsa (I ate half and then ate the bean filling from the 2nd half), brown rice with black beans, and lots of broccoli. It was delicious. It was nice to sit down for a meal with my family and just chat. It also started to snow a little bit, too. I guess it was just all conducive to a comfy cozy evening in.

The new season of Biggest Loser is premiering tonight! Are you watching?

Have a fabulous evening!

Give me a break…give me a break…

…break me off a piece of that …KitKat Bar! haha

Okay, damn now I want a KitKat! But that newfound craving aside…


It feels so good. 🙂

This has definitely been an interesting week in terms of finals. First, the whole “almost didn’t wake up in time but somehow did” thing…and then last night, I stayed up to take my PR final the moment it was available online…but it wasn’t there. Uhg. And it still wasn’t there when I got myself up early this morning to do it….

It was supposed to be available on 12/15 (today) from 12:01am to 11:59pm…well…not so much. haha I sent my professor an e-mail, this morning, about it, and luckily everything got fixed by 10am..but still. Frustrating. I ACED IT THOUGH! 🙂

Picture 1

Before sitting down to take my exam, though, I made sure to make myself a big ole cup of coffee. It was just what my bod needed after being frustrated and up later than usual.


I spent the afternoon studying for my Ethics final. I had some popcorn (slightly uhh…toasty…) and a yogurt mess: NF Greek yogurt, PB, blueberry flax, honey — it was kinda like PB&J yogurt mess. haha



So I spent the afternoon (up until 5)…alternating between going over every study question I could think of, and mindless television. haha I’m so diligent…. I powered up for my final with JUICE! haha Green Goodness. It looks soo thick in the picture…but it really isn’t!


I think I rocked my final though. Excited. I know I didn’t fail, at least. haha 🙂 I rewarded myself with sushi and chocolate! Though … not together. haha

I picked up some spicy tuna rolls and a bar of dark chocolate with coconut flakes in it. I’m excited to try the chocolate. haha 🙂



I’m excited for an evening of NOTHING. 🙂 No alarms to set…nothing! Yippeeee!

I hope you all are doing well!!

Peace, Love & Munchies.