Campin' Out

Evenin’ folks! I have just gotten back to the apartment after a lovely day spent in the library. haha Oh yes. 🙂 It was truly a nice day out…I just didn’t experience it — I saw it outside of my window near my little desk though!! So yesterday – I indulged too much, and today – I haven’t eaten enough!! It got to be around 4, and I suddenly realized that all I’d had during the day was a Viactiv vitamin, a venti coffee, a small bag of trail mix from the vending machine and a Fresca! Bad news bears!

Me with my coffee — obviously excited to be at the library of a Saturday:

My lovely little pack of trail mix (270 calories worth…haha and considering it was dried fruits and nuts…that’s not a lot).  It had peanuts, banana chips, raisins, sunflower seeds, dried mango and dried dates…and maybe almonds I don’t remember. Oh and sorry the words are backwards — PhotoBooth, baby! haha

I also indulged in a Fresca (at that point there were too many people in the library and it would have been embarassing to be photographing my Fresca bottle with PhotoBooth, haha)…the joys of vending machines. It was refreshing though! I just rarely drink soda.

So as I was leaving the library, I had the realization that I had barely eaten anything! (Especially solid foods? haha) I ran…okay walked briskly…to Whole Foods where I picked up some deliciiious spicy tempura shrimp rolls and a small bar of dark chocolate. Scharffen Berger Mocha Dark Chocolate to be exact. Seriously, it is like my chocolate soulmate.

Unlike M&M’s…this chocolate definitely melts in your mouth AND in your hand. haha I may or may not have licked the chocolate off of my hand after this photo was taken…. *shame* haha

I’m contemplating my next food move now — cuz honestly, that was more like lunch than dinner. haha Hmmm, what to make or get…. 🙂

Hope everyone has had a fabulous day! They lit the tree at Faneuil Hall tonight in Boston! I love the Christmas lights!…preferably the white ones. They are just so beautiful. Newbury Street and the Commonwealth Mall are lined with them…and eventually they’ll turn the ones in the Common on. So excited!!It’s just beautiful.

Peace, Love & Munchies.

"Friends" & Ethics?

Hola my friends! Today has been a really good day. 🙂 We ended up watching an episode of Friends in my ethics class (specifically the episode “The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS”). Too funny. It was a welcome “mix up” to the class, and it made me realize how much I miss/love that show.

Today, my eating was once again — less that stellar — however, I won’t sweat over it. Tomorrow is a brand new day — that hopefully involves some grocery shopping. haha For lunch, I had an Odwalla Bar – banana nut.


Then for dinner, I had some tempura shrimp “sushi” and a teeeeny, tiny bar of dark chocolate!



I put it on my phone just to emphasize it’s petite-ness. haha 🙂 It’s just been one of those weeks, in terms of cravings. Oh well. Onward and upward.

Hope everyone’s day went smoothly (and that you ate better than I have been! haha).

Peace, Love & Munchies.

The 4-1-1.

Heyyy! I’m in a great mood.

For a few reasons…first and foremost, I think I did decently well on my exam! Wahoo! 🙂 That’s a huge weight off of my shoulders. I have another exam Friday, but that one I am much more comfortable with. One down…three to go!

Second, my pedometer freaking ROCKS. haha I love this thing. I get a strange thrill out of seeing how far I walk, how many steps I take, how many aerobic steps I am taking and how many calories I am burning. Today was a fairly “normal” day — walked to and from class twice. So I walked 5.41 miles today, took 13,184 steps, 12,127 aerobic steps, and burned 411 calories! Noiiice.

And third, I stepped on the scale this morning/afternoon — I have officially lost 40 pounds since my highest weight! 😀

So this afternoon, I took a nap and studied ’til class tonight. I didn’t eat much after my yogurt mess — I just wasn’t hungry. I tried to fuel myself up a little bit more in the afternoon with some sunflower seeds and a little bit of the Trader Joe’s Mango Juice Smoothie.


I didn’t end up finishing the sunflower seeds, but I did drink the juice..though it took me two hours. haha

I was going to get some takeout tonight — based on the fact that I have no food in this house because I haven’t had the chance to go grocery shopping. However, when I saw my change on the scale — it inspired me to keep it decently healthy. So after my exam, I headed over to Whole Foods and grabbed some spicy tuna sushi and some Scharffen Berger dark chocolate. Yummm. I also ran into a friend from high school and college there. You think you’re in this big city — but it really is a small world.




A teeny bar! haha I had to hold it just to show how small it is.

A little treat for myself.

Thank you so much for your encouraging words about my exam!! They meant the world!

Have a fantastic night!!

Peace, Love & Munchies.